Take The Signature Test
We all have a preferred hand to write with, just like our areas of life where we naturally excel.
Here’s a quick experiment: write your signature three times quickly with your dominant hand, then switch to your non-dominant hand.
Notice the difference?
It’s uncomfortable, awkward and slower — just like working on aspects of ourselves we often avoid.
So, why do we avoid growth?
It could be the fear of public speaking, the discomfort of change, or the uncertainty of a new career path. It’s human nature to stick with what feels safe.
Growth requires vulnerability, and we often fear failure or uncertainty.
It can also feel too slow, frustrating, or overwhelming at times.
By embracing this discomfort, we open the door to deeper fulfilment, untapped potential, and the chance to truly thrive.
It’s a journey worth taking.
Coaching is the compass that provides the structure and support needed to lean into these areas, guiding you toward growth you might otherwise resist.